Clarkson University is consistently named a best-value college for our incredible return on investment. We work with you to make sure that there are no barriers between you and your future. Discover the many ways we can help make your college experience affordable.


Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

Tuition: $59,800

Fees:  $1,348

Housing (average): $10,523

Food: $8,239

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, Equipment: $1,560

Personal: $900

Transportation: $1,596

Loan Fees: $68

Total Costs: $84,034


Housing Costs

Housing costs are based on a weighted average. Freshman housing is usually slightly less than the weighted average. For exact housing figures, please see our current housing rates webpage.


International Students

Total fixed costs apply to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. See costs and financial aid for international students for more information.

Contact Us

Have questions about financial aid as an incoming undergraduate student? Direct your inquiries to the Office of Financial Aid, or reach out to your admissions counselor.

Office of Financial Aid

Phone: 315-268-6413

Student Achievement Services

The Student Achievement Services office is here to help you with any questions about financial aid, student accounts, housing, registration and other matters related to tuition and costs. Our dedicated staff is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Student Achievement Services